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iherb review |Nutrex Research Labs, Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentrate, 60 Black-Caps

  • Expiration Date:

    Feb 2019

  • Shipping Weight:

    0.37 lbs (0.17 kg)

  • Product Code: NRX-00071
  • UPC Code: 853237000714
  • Package Quantity: 60 Black-Caps
  • Dimensions: 5.1 x 2.7 x 2.7 in, 0.25 lbs (0.11 kg)


  • One Pill Only
  • Fat Destroyer
  • Dietary Supplement

Lipo-6 Black Ultra Concentrate Product Highlights

  • Ultra Concentrated Formula for Super Strong Effects
  • Highest Potency Fat Burner: Only One Pill Needed
  • Activates Metabolism and burns Extra Calories
  • Fast-Absorbing Liquid Capsules
  • Full 30 Day Supply

Extreme Caution Advised: This is the strongest Lipo-6 fat burner we have ever released. It’s so strong that you can never take more than one pill. This is an ultra concentrated super potent one pill only formula that is designed to rapidly destroy body fat deposits.

Just one pill will set the stage for all-out fat burning. Be warned: Lipo-6 Black Ultra Concentrate is a fat destroyer unlike anything else.

Suggested Use

Take 1 Black-Cap in the morning and 1 Black-Cap in the afternoon. This is an ultra concentrated formula of extreme potency. Never exceed 1 Black-Cap per serving. Never take more than 2 servings in a 24-hour period. For maximum results consume Lipo-6 Black Ultra Concentrate at least 30 minutes prior to a meal. Do not take within 6 hours of sleep. Regular exercise and proper nutrition are essential for achieving your weight-loss goals. As individuals vary so may results from using this product.

Other Ingredients

Glycerin, vegetable cellulose, purified water, polysorbate 80, hypromellose q.s.p., FD & C blue 1, FD & C red 40, FD & C yellow 6.

This product utilizes only natural vegetable capsules that are free of animal products.


Important Must Read: Lipo-6 Black Ultra Concentrate is absolutely not for use by persons under the age of 18. Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Never exceed the recommended maximum dosage. Do not consume synephrine, yohimbine, caffeine or thyroid-boosting compounds from other sources, including but not limited to, coffee, tea, soda and other dietary supplements or medications containing phenylephrine or caffeine or any stimulants whatsoever. This product contains caffeine. Do not use this product for longer than 2 months. Consult your physician prior to use if you are taking medication, including but not limited to, MAOI inhibitors, anti-depressants, aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or products containing phenylephrine, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, phenylethylamine or other stimulants. Consult your physician prior to use if you have a medical condition, including but not limited to, heart, liver, kidney or thyroid disease, psychiatric disorders, difficulty urinating, diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, recurrent headaches, enlarged prostate or glaucoma. Discontinue use 2 weeks prior to surgery. Immediately discontinue if you experience rapid heart beat, dizziness, severe headaches or shortness of breath. This product contains ingredients that may be banned by some sports organizations. Keep out of reach of children.

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Black-Cap
Servings Per Container: 60
  Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Ultra Concentrated Fat Destroying Complex 294.5 mg *
Caffeine Anhydrous   *
Theobromine Anhydrous   *
Advantra Z Citrus Aurantium (50% Synephrine)   *
Yohimbine Hcl   *
Rauwolscine   *
*Daily Values not established.

Customer reviews about the product:

Já utilizei o Lipo 6 Black e perdi cerca de 6 kg no primeiro mes de uso, associado a uma alimentação mais balanceada e exercicios fisicos. Mas o que eu gostaria de comentar é sobre a idoneidade desta empresa. Primeiro eles pedem o número de autorização da operadora do cartão de crédito (Nunca fizeram isso, nem aki no Brasil) e segundo, a entrega foi muito rápida (menos de 30 dias o produto já estava no correio para ser retirado). IHerb, vcs estão de PARABÉNS. GRATO.
Holy cow, this is my first day trying this product and i’m extremely satisfied. Within 30 minutes I started feeling the effects and i’m talking about nonstop energy. Makes your heart beat fast but for me that’s good because it kept me energized, you do get a bit shaky but I suggest drinking a lot of water. And let me tell you, you really do sweat! Personally, this product is amazing, I can’t wait to continue taking it to lose all my pregnancy weight!
this is a great product but contain dmaa and in my country this substance was banned in the last month.
you must to try to sell the same product without dmaa.
Estou consiguindo o corpo desejado com esse excelente termogenico.
Bom produto, mas taxado para o brasil, é o que todos nos merecemos mesmo!
A culpa é nossa!
جريته و لم ينزل وزني شي يستحق الذكر.
I have tried it and it didn’t help me much in fat loss process.
I have to tell that I’m not using it continuously for weight loss purpose but only as a diet adjustment (when I’m planning to eat highly processed food or a lot of carbs)… I found that this help a lot: I did not gain extra weight like I would usually experiment when I eat those kind of food and I even lost few pounds. You will notice that your heart will beat more if you haven’t eaten previouly, you will also sweat more and you coud also be a bit shaky afterward. But I’m very sensitive to caffein in general and this are common effects on me when I also drink coffee without food… So I was not desatbilised by that eventhou I will never take more than a pill per day.
It’s amazing
It helped me losing some weight without any problems
muito bom
Top quality product, effective immediately.
I am using it for a week now and it seems it do what it promise .. i tole one bill a day cause it my first time to use it and i want to test it before taking two a day. i had some headache and dizziness and some time stomachache. And although I wasn’t expecting my period I had minor bleeding after workouts.

I’ve tried the older version years ago (6 pills a day) and it did not do anything so with the ultra concentrate I said maybe it will make a difference but I did not lose any weight and if I do lose some weight it will be cause of my diet.
And also you should not consume any coffee-tea for one month so its a down side for me.

لم أستفد من المنتج أي شي, قد يقلل الشهية في الصباح لكن ليس بذالك الأثر إلا إذا كنت حساس للكافيين
إذا كنت متعود على الكافيين لن تشعر بأي فرق

Amazing fat burning product.
tudo tranquilo, pena que fui taxado
its best fat burner ever !!!!
The best of such things. Don’t recommend those who has any heat diseases, becaouse it influences much. But it helps to prevent appetite, and you can lose weight quickly
Muito eficiente, estou satisfeito!
Really great!
O melhor que ja experimente… Tira o aptite queima gordura mesmo, claro que precisa ter um treino diario para opter excelentes resultados.
best termo ever
Taking this product actually STIMULATED my appetite and made me eat MORE! I couldn’t take it for more than 2 days. A complete waste of $30. Save your money.
excelent fat destroyer
Excelente !!
Good fast fat burners
In my opinion, Lipo6 is incomparable.
I just sold this produce, I don’t had it but the people who bought it said it really works for who want lose weight.
I lost 2 pounds so far in 8 days
Produto excelente
Working good but don’t wait a result without diet and training .
side effects including insomnia and bad mood and nervousness .
Excellent fat reducer, but with many side effects: headache, dizziness, sweating.
Amazing results.
very good.
Energy to work out! especially for cardio
ótimo produto recomento
Product fulfilled its promise. Great price and excellent quality
I feel the energy filling.
muito bom…
Best fat destroyer
Wonderful, All people who take praise the product, Nutrex is to be congratulated as the team iHerb.
Meu pedido não chegou! fiz o pedido dia 30/12/2012 e até agora nada!! estou decepcionado com o iherb, não indico a nenhum amigo! prefiro a HEALTHDISINGS.com eles sim entregam antes do prazo! sem mais.
Very good this thermogenic like him very much.
Took 1 pill a day, and it worked great.
Great Product
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